On Thursday night I attended the premier of the South African movie Blitz patrollie hosted by Remy Martin. The event was held at the lookout, at the VnA waterfront brought media personalities and Cape Town socialites out to party.
The movie which includes comedians such as David Kau, Kagiso Lediga, Joey Rasdien is a comedy based on the a high-profile politician who is into the business of drugs dealings with a powerful family called the Naaidos.
After a series of unsuccessful arrests, they eventually raid the minister’s house which was filled with bodyguards, and they managed to uncover the underground drug production which was happening.
I don’t want to give away too much information. The movie opens in cinema on the 10th of May. Please goes out and watch it and you’ll definitely enjoy it.
The movie which includes comedians such as David Kau, Kagiso Lediga, Joey Rasdien is a comedy based on the a high-profile politician who is into the business of drugs dealings with a powerful family called the Naaidos.
After a series of unsuccessful arrests, they eventually raid the minister’s house which was filled with bodyguards, and they managed to uncover the underground drug production which was happening.
I don’t want to give away too much information. The movie opens in cinema on the 10th of May. Please goes out and watch it and you’ll definitely enjoy it.
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. See the link below for more info.
Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic article. Always maintain it up!